We form complete devs, giving opportunity to less favored people

NCI INNOVA - Academy - Icone Estudos (1)

How we do it

Earn to Study

We select candidates who have the profile and desire to excel in software development, and who have not had the opportunity or conditions to study in specialized schools.

We hire them so that they receive remuneration while they study; in this way, they don't have to worry about resources to help their families, and can focus all their efforts on how to learn best.


Over a period of 03 to 04 months, courses curated by the NCI team are available, in addition to daily mentoring with our professionals, so that students learn through real experiences.


In the last month of the term, students are challenged to work on NCI project activities, so that they absorb our culture and have real work experience.


At the end of the training, students may be hired to be part of the NCI development team (or may be referred for opportunities in some of our partners).

Why we do it

Focus on Giveback

We find a very strong purpose in giving back, as we had great opportunities and  there´s nothing better than repaying that - by training new professionals and giving opportunities to those who haven't had them yet.

Therefore, in addition to creating digital solutions, we have the following essence in our DNA: “We are a channel of opportunities, actively working on training new, complete, digital professionals, through real work experiences.”

NCI INNOVA - Academy - Imagens Estudantes A3


I am honored to participate in a program that´s been changing my life from the start! Starting from absolute zero in programming knowledge, with the mentorship of highly trained professionals, I was able to evolve to the point where I am now part of this team. Thank you NCI for this great opportunity! #TeamNCI

Lucas da Silva Santos

This opportunity that NCI gave us was incredible, from the theoretical part to putting us in real projects, in order to experience what it´s really like to work with programming, and thus helping us to grow professionally and gain more knowledge in the area. It was a unique experience.

Paulo Henrique Fabiani Rocha

A great opportunity to start my DEV career. A targeted study and the chance to work with real tasks are fundamental to our professional evolution, and with the support of NCI, my work has become even more productive.

Luis Felipe Leite Campos